Why Did I Start A Blog?

Social Media is not my cup of Tea.

It's pretty self explanatory actually. Personally I am very not in favor of social media. (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.) The constant tracking, the pushing of advertisements, the addicting algorithm that will get you scrolling for hours and hours on end for no use other than to waste your time, which you could be using somewhere else. There's also the constant censorship that is so prevalent on a variety of platforms, especially towards things that I do not believe need censorship. (Religion, conservative views, etc.)

Looked liked an interesting way to learn html and css.

As someone who enjoys learning new things, once I learned that a lot of people I have become interested in have made websites, I decided I'd make one too. It seems that most of them enjoy using Hugo which isn't a bad thing! I just wanted to challenge myself beyond just making a simple website builder! So I looked at the source html of some of the websites, followed a few tutorials, and made my own unique website! (Yes I am typing this straight from a code editor and I'm fine.) If someone is curious on my process of making the website, then I'd be happy to share my experience, but that'll be for another blog.

Why Post A Website?

Because I want to share what I've learned with the vast expanse of the internet? (Even if no one will see it?) I first learned about how to set up a Matrix Server by following a guide which I seem to have lost. (I had issues because I was using a new fork of the server that didn't have many guides on it.) So when I learned how useful sometimes blog was to me, I decided I want to do the same for others, even if it isn't my main goal.

Are you done yet?

Yes. I'll continue to post here occasionally.